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SALE White Label Brewing - Unknown Lager - 30L Polykeg

Regular price £110.00 Sale price £120.00
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SALE White Label Brewing - Unknown Lager - ABV 4%

White Label Brewing | Unknown lager - can be customised as your own brand. It's a perfect choice for those who prefer a refreshing and high-quality session beer. This lager as been triple filtered, resulting in a light appearance, and a crisp taste.

Connection: Sankey required

Gas required: Polykegs will work on any gas type including compressed air. They are a perfect partner for use with a Lindr on PortaPint draught beer dispenser.

Shelf life: Long - The foil bag contained within the keg allows for a much longer shelf life than a normal beer keg, even when connected 6- 8 weeks.

Please recycle the deflated keg after use!

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